About Me

My name is Sayali and I live in sunny California.

I love to read, however people around me don’t understand why? ?

What’s so great about sitting with a book for hours together, they ask? Why read a 1000 page Game of Thrones book, when you can watch the TV series. I say to them (very patiently) that the 1000 pages have a world to offer which the TV series only captures a glimpse of.

With every book, you get to live a new life, meet new people, make new relations. You get to love, you get to laugh, you get to cry.

But then life caught up and essentially took over. We had a beautiful baby boy and he pretty much took over my heart, body and soul. And my love for books took a back seat.

Fast forward to 3 years later, world turned topsy turvy and life as we knew it was no more. Confined to the boundaries of our home; unable to go out and explore new things, started to become suffocating. And I again needed to resurrect my reading to learn, to experience new things. With my family finding its rhythm sheltering at home and accepting the new truth, I started slowly carving out time for reading and it was as if I had never stopped. In this process, I saw my son’s curiosity for books and reading increasing. I saw him falling in love with book. And that was the most beautiful thing to see.

And so I decided to start a blog. Hoping to encourage more souls to read. Hoping to show a glimpse of what books have to offer for us and for our children alike.

I welcome your thoughts, comments and recommendations. I hope to interact with you. Discuss new books and classics. Sometimes agree, sometimes disagree and that’s OK too.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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